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Playing with DataSift #curation

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DataSift Logo

Some weeks ago I got my beta access to , I was happy to get access and didn’t see time to use it. Yesterday evening I played with it for the first time, it was quite interesting to discover something which I suspected which was that they had their own query/modeling language called FSDL. It contains the ability to do queries over the data, including data over a map geo coordinates, which means I can do some complex queries to get the needed data. Once I submitted the query I was given an option to buy access to a stream of the data.

Datasift - Costs

I believe less is more, so I’m happy to see that they released their service with support for quite a number of services – Twitter, Tweetmeme, Buzz, Digg, RSS feeds – and makes it possible to do matches on different fields within the data set. And they have made the possibility to add your own datasources, which can be modeled in the same way as the existing datasources.

DataSift - FDSL Example Snypher

Above you can see an example FSDL that I wrote for the keyword .

A great tool, with many uses.

Written by Daniël W. Crompton (webhat)

January 15, 2011 at 10:02 am