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TIME’s poor “Person of the Year” poll #web2.0 @time

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Time Magazine Logo

I’ve been voting in “Who Will Be TIME’s 2010 Person of the Year?” The way it’s set up I need to remember that I gave certain people certain points; Mark Zuckerberg 78; Hamid Karzai – 15; Julian Assange – 90; Glenn Beck – 77; etc. Wouldn’t it be better to rate them in order?

It’s quite simple really: drag and drop the names and/or images or names of the candidates in the order of the ranking and based on that TIME can actually rank all the people correctly. When you believe Karzai is more influential than Jobs, put him first; less influential than Assange put him after. It’s really not much harder than that.

Please enter this century TIME, it’s not so scary here.

Written by Daniël W. Crompton (webhat)

December 6, 2010 at 6:01 pm