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Animated Star Wars Kick-Off

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Apparently Star Wars: The Clone Wars has a theatrical released on the 15th of August, it’s the kick-off to to . Maybe it’s because I live in the bubble of Europe, but I have yet to see the animated series on the television. I usually had to download it to see it.

The television industry has yet to catch-up with the movie industry in closing the gaps in worldwide release dates of movies, the internet has forced the hand of the movie industry with downloading. I’m quite happy to life in a country where it’s perfectly legal to download music, movies and television series. The only thing I end up downloading are the television series.

I have noticed that the releasing of television series overseas is starting to come closer to the American release. Where it would certainly take over 4 years this gap has closed to 2 and in some cases 1 year. Heroes is a good example, season 2 first aired in the US in September and it only took 9 or 10 months for it to be Broadcast on Dutch television. Naturally I’d see it already as, apparently, it had been broadcast on a French or French language station. (Which is where my rips came from.)

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Written by Daniël W. Crompton (webhat)

July 8, 2008 at 12:45 pm