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Posts Tagged ‘werner vogels

How large is a Two-Pizza Team? #scrum #xp

with 2 comments

After reading about 2 pizza teams in Wired UK 03.12, I read that the comment came from Werner Vogels, the Amazon CTO. He says prefers two-pizza teams; “technology teams working on a given project typically can be fed by no more than two pizzas—usually eight or fewer people.” This makes no sense to me, and I’m sure you may find the same.

I can easily eat a 13″ pizza at one sitting. A 13″ pizza has an area of approximately 856.3 cm2, the largest size that Dominos Pizza makes is 16″ with an area of approximately 1297 cm2. This means that I would be full at approximately 66% of the 16″ pizza, when I split it evenly the pizza only feeds two and leaves us both a little hungry.

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How does Vogels think he can feed up to 8 people with 2 pizzas?

Image source: VirtualErn

Written by Daniël W. Crompton (webhat)

March 8, 2012 at 7:07 pm